Experience Strategy Method Cards

One of the things I realized as I was building the experience strategy and service design practice at Cantina was that it was one thing to teach people various methods in the experience strategy toolkit, it was quite another to know how and when to apply them. To speed the process along, I worked with several of my colleagues to brainstorm and design a set of method cards. Unlike other method cards, our didn’t stop at the discrete how-to’s, but grouped them into “recipes,” ready-made combinations to address common research problems.

Later, my colleagues converted the deck into a mobile app, available on the App Store.


  • Bring the team together to kick off a project

  • Get design buy-in from business stakeholders

  • Present insights & opportunities from research

  • Share knowledge within the team

  • Understand business goals, drivers, & competition

  • Understand user behaviors, attitudes & needs


  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • Secondary Research

  • Assumptions Mapping

  • Ethnographic Research

  • Observations

  • Card Sort

  • Diary Study

  • Body Storming

  • Participatory Design

  • Customer Journey Maps

  • Service Blueprints

  • Behavioral Personas

  • Opportunity Statements

  • Opportunity Workshop

  • Creative Brief

  • Design Sprint

  • Storytelling

View the method cards and recipes to address common challenges on the microsite we created to share and promote the cards.